Lexus: Jessica Nabongo Goes All In

Lexus: Driven from Within (featuring Jessica Nabongo)


In 2019, Jessica Nabongo became the first Black woman to visit every country in the world. We join her on a more personal journey–– a road trip across America exploring the states she has yet to visit.

director: Cassandra Evanisko

featuring: Jessica Nabongo, Tory Johnson, Amy Denet Deal, Ashley Tsosie, Shirley Brown, Ciera Charley

production & editorial: Courageous Studios

lead producer: Shannon Fitzmaurice

cinematographers: Dakota Adney, Andrew Smith

editor: Elaine Casap

colorists: Natacha Ikoli

sound mixer: TJ Drumser

designer: Marites Algones

motion graphics: Evan Worsham

brand | agency: Lexus | Team One